IFIA General Assembly 2014 Preparation
Dear IFIA member,
A.) IFIA General Assembly
I inform the IFIA members that the IFIA General Assembly is convened. The main GA 2014 functions are: amendment of Statutes, president election period 2014-2018 and Executive Committee election period 2014-2016.
Date: 1:00 pm, 20 November, 2014.
Venue: Huaqiao International Expo Center, Kunshan.
The IFIA GA will connect the 8th International Exhibition of Inventions Kunshan (19-22 November). This exhibition will be great; more than 3 thousand inventions will be present there to million visitors. Deadline of application: 31 August (see info about the preparations: http://www.invention-ifia.ch/GA2014/ga2014.htm )
The GA delegates if they will present inventions too; they will receive free accommodations, (5 night, Kunshan Ramada Hotel) local transportations and 3×3 size booth thanks to the China Association of Inventions. Here is my request: Send please info about the participation of your organization on the GA 2014 to vedres@inventor.hu. Thanks!
B.) IFIA invention world competitions in this year
World event for the Computer Implemented Inventions was organized in Shiraz, Iran in this April.
The 3rd World Competition of Chemical Inventions will be held connected International Warsaw Invention Show (14-16 October). (See info: http://www.invention-ifia.ch/WORK_2014/CHEM.html )
The 4th World Competition of ECO inventions will be organized from 30 October to 2 November in part of the IENA Nuremberg. (See info:http://www.inventionifia.ch/Green%20comp/2014/ecocomp14.htm )
The participants must be exhibitors on the IWIS and IENA respectively.
C.) Member fee
The indication of IFIA membership is the member fee payment. The GA delegates and exhibitors on IFIA events can be IFIA full members and collaborating members who had paid member fee 2013-2014. The member fees are 50-100 USD for the poor and small organizations, 100-500 USD for medium size ones and 500-2000 USD for the great organizations which are quite rich than other members.
Please remit your member fee to the IFIA bank which is changed, the new one is OTP Bank, Budapest, Hungary:
Swift Number : OTPVHUHB ♦ IBAN: HU 57 1171 0002 2008 4802 0000 0000
The IFIA Office will send invoice and appropriate receipt about your payment.
I hope you can send member fee as soon as possible and the representative of your organization will participate on the General Assembly 2014 to contribute the successes of the IFIA.