INST 2015 Report
Taipei International Invention Show and Technomart 2015, recognized as IFIA official events, was co-organized by Taiwan Trade Development Council, Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) and Taiwan Technology Marketplace Service Center during October 1 to 3 in Taiwan, Province of China. The event convened the outstanding figures like Mr. Den- Yih Wu, Vice President of Republic of china, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Ministry of National Defense, Ministry of Education, Council of Agriculture and Ministry of Science and Technology.
IFIA President, Mr. Alireza Rastegar, addressed the audience during the opening ceremony and placed a high value on the role that the government should play in providing unwavering support to the independent inventors as well as invention associations since they are regarded as the main source of advancement or promotion of modern technologies. They deserve inspiration and appreciation from the public and the government to keep the wheels of industry, technology and economy going.
The main objective of the event was to inspire the transfer of International Intellectual Property and technology, to attract greater prospects for venture capital in the areas of international Intellectual property trade and technology transfer, to demonstrate the innovations among Taiwan, Province of China industry, government and academic institutes and to promote a public appreciation for IP innovations. With the ultimate goal of attracting the best business to visit, know and invest in Taiwan, Province of China.
A wide variety of products including Agricultural, chemical, electrical products, textiles, hand tools, Computer Hardware, Software & Peripherals, Stationery & Office Equipment, Building Materials & Sanitary Equipment, Sporting & Leisure Goods, Metals & Hardware Products were showcased during the event.
A total of 980 inventions from 13 countries participated in the invention competition held during the 11th Taipei International Invention Show & Technomart and after the evaluation, the awardees received Platinum award, gold medals, silver medals, and bronze medals accordingly.
IFIA President bestowed IFIA Certificate to Miss. Wang, Director General of Taiwan Intellectual Property Office and Mr. Wu kou-Chen, Chairman of Chinese Innovation & Invention Society to appreciated the sincere efforts they devoted to the organization of this successful event.