DEU | PROvendis
About PROvendis Gmbh
Since 2002 PROvendis acts as a service provider in technology transfer and IP management for universities, university hospitals, research institutions and companies . The mission of PROvendis is to protect and transfer innovations and research materials developed by universities and institutes to industry and thus make innovative results from research and development accessible for our society in the form of new products or processes.
PROvendis analyzes and evaluates research and development results with the aim of securing new intellectual property and using it in a revenue- oriented manner. Our portfolio of services covers IP research, IP analysis, IP protection, IP management , IP evaluation, IP utilization & transfer including the negotiation of license agreements and other IP contracts, IP scouting, IP administration as well as assistance and support in various funding programs. We develop and implement individual property rights and marketing strategies.
PROvendis at a glance
Service provider in technology transfer and IP management since 2002
- 28 universities in North Rhine-Westphalia are shareholders in the company
- Service provider for > 40 universities, university hospitals, and research institutions and one of the leading patent marketing companies in Europe
- Currently supporting > 30,000 scientists in the fields of natural sciences, engineering and medicine© Sebastian Becker/PROvendis GmbH
- Experienced employees and specialized managers for patents and licenses
Click to know more about PROvendis
PROvendis in Numbers
■ Over 300 years of professional experience in professional IP- and innovation management
■ 1,700 prior patent applications
■ 29.000 deadlines in care
■ 5.600 invention notifications
■ 190 available technology offerings
■ 30,000 patent- relevant scientists
■ 400 marketing contracts
■ 1000 company contacts per year
■ 260 training courses, seminars, workshops
■ 2500 participants in further education courses
■ 5000 user of e-learning services (as of Dec. 2017)
■ Accompanying more than 40 start-up projects
PROvendis Activities and Achievements
■ Evaluation of > 5,600 invention disclosures
■ Management of > 1,700 priority patent applications
■ Conclusion of > 400 IP related contracts
■ Revenues in the amount of approx. 8.5 million euros
■ Generation of third-party funds based on patents owned by the university
■ Initiation of numerous collaborations between science and industry
■ Consultation in > 40 start-up projects
Accelerating Technology Transfer
Mission statement
■ In line with our claim, “we market innovation” the mission of PROvendis is to protect and transfer innovations and research materials developed by universities and institutes to industry.
■ Through targeted technology transfer results from research and development are used in our society in the form of new products or processes.
Applied Sciences
- Battery Technology
- Chemistry
- Communication Technology
- Electrical Engineering
- Energy and Environmental Technology
- Engineering
- Forming Techniques
- Material Technology
- Medical Technology
- Mobility
- Physics/Metrology and Control Engineering
- Structural Engineering
- Textile Technology
Life Sciences
- Biotechnology
- Diagnostics
- Medical Technology
- Pharma
- Research Materials
More information:
Target groups
- Universities
- University hospitals
- Research institutions
- Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
- Industrial companies
- Start-ups
- Private inventors
IP Services
- IP Research
- IP Analysis
- IP Protection
- IP Management
- IP Evaluation
- IP Utilization & Transfer
- IP Scouting
- IP Administration
- Funding Programs
- IP Academy