Cooperation among European IFIA Members International Conference (October 3, 2006, Stockholm)
IFIA Conference 2006 was organized in Stockholm, Sweden on October 3 to discuss the cooperation of several IFIA members concerning the commercialization of inventions on different exhibitions.
In addition to IFIA President, Dr. András Vedres, and IFIA Honorary President, Dr. Farag Moussa, the following participated:
Leaders of European Inventor Associations:
Bosnia: Mr. Hussein Hujic (Secretary General SIBIH)
Hungary: Dr. András Vedres (Secretary General MAFE)
Sweden: Dr. Peter A. Jörgnsen (President SUF), Ms. Wanja Bellander (Managing Director SUF), Mr. Lennart Nilsson (President STIK/SUF)
Europe/Women: Ms Maila Hakala (European Network of Women Inventors & Innovators)
Other participants from Sweden: (14)
The IFIA President opened the Conference, and asked IFIA Honorary President, Dr. Farag Moussa as chairman. The participants given accounts concerning the cooperation.
The Chairman: Mr. Moussa, the participants and Mr. Jörgnsen
The IFIA President, Dr. András Vedres given an account about the cooperation of several IFIA members concerning the commercialization of inventions on different exhibitions:
In view of the importance to link the words “inventor” and “innovation”, as mentioned by IFIA Honorary President, it is proposed to add to the Title of the IFIA Network the words “To Foster Innovation”. (Recommendation immediately implemented by IFIA President.)
Circular letter to all IFIA members from Europe, informing them of the creation of the IFIA European Network (with a copy of the Regulations) and asking them to fill out a Questionnaire (with their full address) expressing their desire to become a member of the said Network. (Circular to be prepared by IFIA President.)
Circular letter to all Patent Offices from Europe, informing them of the creation of the IFIA European Network and asking them to send the following statistical information: Total number of patents applications by Residents in 2004 and 2005, together with the total number of patents applications (in 2004 and 2005) by independent inventors who are Residents. (Circular to beprepared by IFIA President.)
Brief written presentation of a Project concerning Education for inventors. (Project proposed by Lennart Nilsson – Sweden – to be sent by him to IFIA President.)
Brief written presentation of a project on the upgrading of IFIA special web site 1000inventions, so that it can attract the business community. (Project proposed by Ms Nicola Rathbone – Ireland – to be sent by her to IFIA President.)
As drawn attention by the President of SUF, it is important to study carefully points 5 to 9 of the recent (September 13, 2006) 10 high priority actions (at national and European levels) proposed by the EU Commission. (To be studied by both IFIA and the national associations as such.)
The participants also noted with satisfaction the proposal to exchange experience and develop cooperation expressed by the representative of the European Network of Women Inventors and Innovators.