IFIA General Assembly Meeting
IFIA ordinary General Assembly is held every two years at any time decided by General Assembly or Executive Committee to make decisions on issues of critical importance for IFIA such as electing President as well as the Executive Committee members, determining the general policy and program strategy for IFIA, determining annual subscription policies, amending the Statutes, expelling members, and approving the criteria proposed by the Secretariat for the election of the President, and Executive Committee members
The Extraordinary General Assembly meetings are organized when the President deems it necessary or it is demanded in writing to the Secretariat by at least one-fifth of full members. The Executive Committee members may submit a report to the President proposing the need for an extraordinary meeting. The summons shall include a preliminary agenda, and the delegates may within one month add further items to the agenda.
All members may participate in the discussions but only full members shall have the right to vote. Every full member has one vote. An absent delegation may also send his/her vote by proxy for one or more items on the Agenda to the Secretariat.
Following the reports of General Assembly meetings covering the period between 2008 to 2014 are presented: