Introducing the Candidates of the IFIA Executive Committee for 2023-2025- Palestine
Professor Karim Tahboub Higher Council for Innovation and Excellence – Palestine
The IFIA Secretariat is proud to present to the IFIA General Assembly the Candidates for the IFIA Executive Committee Members' Position for 2023-2025.
Karim Tahboub is a professor of mechatronics engineering at the Palestine Polytechnic University where he was the founding dean of the College of engineering and Technology and the founding dean of graduate studies and Research. He got his engineering education in Jordan, USA, and Germany. He was a visiting scholar and professor at Le Laboratoire d’Informatique, de Robotique et de Microéélectronique de Montpellier, at the Intelligent Machines Lab of the MIT, at the Institute of Perception, Action, and Behavior of the University of Edinburgh, at the Artificial Intelligence Institute of the University of Freiburg, at the Neurology Department of the University of Freiburg Medical Center, and at the Institute of Computer Engineering at the University of Heidelberg. Professor Tahboub is the recipient of the Fulbright fellowship – the USA, the Royal Society fellowship – the UK, and the Alexander von Humboldt fellowship – in Germany.
Professor Tahboub has been actively engaged in the higher education system in Palestine. He has been the High Advisor to the Prime Minister of Palestine since (2012). He was the Deputy Minister of Science (2014-2018). He took part in formulating the National Science, Technology and Innovation Policy (2000). He was a board member of the National Commission for Accreditation and Quality Assurance (2002-2006) and a board member of the Higher Education Quality Improvement Fund (2007-2012). Further, he served as an advisor to the minister of higher education (2012-2013). Professor Tahboub was a board member of the Higher Council for Innovation and Excellence (2012-2018) and served as the vice chairman of the Scientific Research Council at the Ministry of higher education (2012-2019). He represented Palestine (2012-2019) in the SESAME council (Synchrotron-light for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East – an intergovernmental organization) and acted as its council vice chairman (2016-2018).