IPITEX 2023, Bangkok, Thailand
IPITEX 2023 Was Successfully Held in Bangkok, Thailand
2023 Bangkok International Intellectual Property, Invention, Innovation and Technology Exposition (IPITEx) in “Thailand Inventors’ Day 2023”
2nd February is announced to be the Inventors’ Day in Thailand in order to commemorate the achievement of His Majesty the King Bhumibol Adulyadej, the Father of Thai Invention. Thailand Inventors’ Day, one of the largest invention and innovation events in Thailand, is annually held from February 2 to 6 and hosted by the National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT), Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation.
It is an excellent opportunity for all Thai and international researchers, inventors, innovators also visitors to discuss and share ideas and experiences in the global structure during the five-day event.
There are many activities during the event such as the Exhibition of the National Research Award, the Exhibition and competition of national inventions from secondary schools, vocational education, Universities, the public and private sectors, a Conference and workshop on invention development, and Bangkok International Intellectual Property, Invention, Innovation and Technology Exposition (IPITEx).