Czech Union of Inventors and Rationalizers
About us
The Czech Association of Inventors and Improvers (ČSVZ) has been operating in the Czech Republic continuously since its founding in 1990. As a member of the Czech Association of Scientific and Technical Societies (ČSVTS) and a full member of the international organization of inventive associations IFIA in Geneva, it focuses on helping to develop (eg TRIZ), participates in creating conditions for effective and efficient legal protection of the results of this work in the country and abroad (eg in the form of comments on new legislation).
After the accession of the Czech Republic to the EU, the legal protection of the results of technical creative work became more demanding, but in the case of a larger scope of use, it brings a higher economic effect for the creators / owners of the solution. ČSVZ also participates in creating conditions for objective evaluation of the results of this work and the corresponding remuneration of their creators. In production or business practice, new solutions, protected by industrial property rights, ie industrial property, have a much higher value and are also a more effective element of new innovations and new technologies.
- Support (attractiveness) of technical creativity in secondary schools
- Use of own resources to increase competitiveness
- Assessment and analysis of the subjects of development and production of organizations from the point of view of the possibilities of industrial – legal protection (patent, trademark) within the EU
- Evaluation of the results of technical creative work (industrial rights, know-how, copyright works)
- Pitfalls of international application, commercialization, licensing.
The Czech Association brings together honest and contributing inventors and innovators, authors, designers, technical and theoretical workers in industrial protection, and the organizers of inventions and innovations. Membership in our association is voluntary and the members may be every citizen over 18 years. The members are obliged to
- participate actively in the Association, be informed about the activities and assist in the implementation of the resolutions adopted together,
- attend and vote at union meetings and submit proposals for the Assembly of the State Union or its convocation,
- elect and be elected to bodies of the Union,
- seek the assistance of the Association to secure the conditions for their activities,
- submit proposals to the Association Committee activities of the Association,
- properly pay membership dues.