Importance of WIPO’S 2020 election for INGO’S
On the Importance of WIPO’S 2020 election for INGO’S
Which approach is needed?
Sajjad Ebadi, IFIA Advisor, PhD in International Policy-Making
Masoud Tajbakhsh, IFIA Academic Coordinator Section
As you know the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) gives international recognition to the property rights in IP and serves as the linchpin in the monetization of IP. With the ever-expanding spread of innovations and technology in the new age, for instance in 2017 Trademark filing activity totaled 14.3 million and this growth has been double digits in most developed and developing countries since last year; as a result, we are facing an increase in the share of intellectual property in world trade and of course WIPO will play an increasingly important role. In this article we are going to present an overview of the activities of WIPO and NGOs. The significance of the same will demonstrate the crucial case of the upcoming general secretary of WIPO.
WIPO and Observers
WIPO is the global forum for intellectual property (IP) services, policy, information, and cooperation. It is a self-funding agency of the United Nations, with 192 countries as members. WIPO’s mission is to lead the development of a balanced and effective international IP system that enables innovation and creativity for the benefit of all. Around 250 non-governmental organizations (NGOs) like IFIA and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) have official observer status at WIPO meetings. WIPO welcomes the inclusion of stakeholder organizations and interested groups as observers at the formal meetings of member states. Nongovernmental organizations Task-oriented and driven by people with a common interest, NGOs perform a variety of service and humanitarian functions, bring citizen concerns to Governments, advocate and monitor policies and encourage political participation through provision of information. WIPO also seeks to involve NGOs, IGOs, industry groups, and all other partners as widely as possible in consultation processes and debates about current issues. These NGOs all work in different areas of WIPO intellectual property ranging from legal to scientific, research and commercial.
Today, WIPO handles much of the governance of governments with NGOs in the field of IP.
WIPO monitors work on the following committees that cover the organization’s missions:
Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR), the Law of Patents (SCP), Law of Trademarks, Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications (SCT), Intergovernmental Committee (IGC), Development and Intellectual Property (CDIP), Enforcement (ACE). The question is how can we increase the influence and capabilities of the international non-governmental organizations that WIPO oversees?
20 Practical roles for international organizations to assist intellectual property
- Choosing an approach more important to the role of INGOs
- Strengthening and expanding the INGO sector in WIPO
- Follow-up of delegating part of the WIPO responsibilities in the form of joint projects to International NGOs
- Enhancing the Capacity of Developing Country Delegates to Negotiate
- Achieving Coherence in Different Multilateral Forums
- International NGOs as Facilitators
- Cross-Fertilization of Ideas
- Temporary and Issue-Specific Relationships Between International NGOs and Delegates
- Relationships Between International NGOs and Delegates in Different Multilateral Forums
- Donors and International NGOs
- The receptiveness of Developing Country Delegates to International NGOs
- Need for an Inclusive Approach
- Differing Relationships Between International NGOs and Developing Countries: Intellectual Property and Other Issues
- Preparing Substantive Policy Inputs
- International NGOs, Industry Associations, and Rights Holder Groups
- Participation of International NGOs During Meetings in Multilateral Institutions
- Limits to The Relationship Between International NGOs and Developing Country Delegates
- International NGOs and Developing Country Governments at Capital Level
- Coordination of International NGOs
- Raising Public Awareness
IFIA’s Approach
This is an important time for active and leading NGOs in the innovation, patents, and invention fields to use their full potential to raise awareness for this election. Also, these organizations should provide their governments with their experience and scientific advice to select the right person in the mentioned fields.
As we all know, the position of WIPO’s General-Director and the selection for the position is crucial in the current circumstances, since for the next six years, the future of the innovation and invention world will be totally subordinate to this important decision. It can help to enhance the cycle of innovation and invention with a new point of view, and it may also benefit the new, young inventors.
Suitable guidance and direction in this field can execute a noticeable role in this area where it is required to have someone having worked with NGOs to be proud of this position in his/her career. Someone who has equalized his or her national and worldwide organizational potentials with the development of nations.
By publishing this article, IFIA demonstrates that it is one of the main supports of WIPO and wants its 176 members to be aware of the importance of this election and to work together to deliver the best achievable result for the associated organization. Both parties (IFIA and WIPO) have collaborated for a long time considering each other’s progress as an excellent goal. In particular spearing joint venture projects have also been successful in recent years
Where are we going?
As per what we said till now through the article our final advice to gain better results out of the NGO driven plans for WIPO may be that these organizations act as counselors to their related governments for choosing some candidates who may have determining effect or role in the future.
Candidates should show somewhat good experience regarding their past relationships with those either permanent organizations or NGOs implementing WIPO plans within countries or continents globally.
Candidates should also have a very positive effect on their organizations.
Certainly, experience in the field of intellectual property, expertise, and collaborative partnerships is one of the key indicators in choosing a top candidate. This feature may be effective for a more convenient process of implementing the aforementioned plans through the countries. From the combination of the following candidates we can find the above features for top selection
Candidate Proposed by Last Position
- Ms. Saule Tlevlessova Republic of Kazakhstan President of Eurasian patent office ( EAPO)
- Mr. Daren Tang Republic of Singapore Chief Executive of IP office in Singapore
- Mr. Kenichiro Natsume Japan Senior Director of PCT legal department in WIPO
- Ms. WANG Binying China Deputy director general in charge of brands (wipo)
- Dr. Edward Kwakwa Chana Senior Director of Traditional Knowledge(WIPO)
- Mr. Marco Matías Alemán Colombia Director patent law division (WIPO)
- Dr. Dámaso Pardo Argentina Lecturer of IP Law in University of Buenos Aires
- Professor Adebambo Adewopo Nigeria Professor of Law in Onabanjo University
- Mr. Ivo Gagliuffi Piercechi Peru Chairman of the board directors of IP in Peru
- Mr. Jüri Seilenthal Estonia Estonian diplomat of the EU
- WIPO statistics database, August 2019
- NGOs and United Nation, Kerstin Martens, Palgrave Macmillan, 2005
- The role of international NGOs in the intellectual property, Duncan Matthews, Chicago Kent Law review, 2007
- The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO): A Reference Guide (Elgar Practical Guides), Edward Elgar Pub, 2016