Official announcement for the 37th official session of the IFIA General Assembly
According to IFIA’s statutes, we invite all IFIA members to participate in the 37th general assembly meeting.
Non-attendance of IFIA members can lead to the suspension of their membership, as well as IFIA exco candidates or their representatives, who do not attend the meeting will be removed from the election list.
1. Official Opening of the Session.
2. IFIA Activity Report / Alireza Rastegar
3. IFIA Financial Report from 2019 to 2022 / Hossein Vaezi Ashtiani
4. IFIA President Election
5. IFIA New Executive Committee Members Election (Period 2023-2025)
6. IFIA Women Network Report / Mrs. Elinora Inga Sigurdardottir
7. IFIA Africa Network Report / Mr. Michael Esuong
8. IFIA Latin American and Startups Office Report / Dr. Marcelo Vivacqua
9. IFIA Youth Network Report / Mr. Winfird Sturm
10. IFIA Middle East Office Report / Dr. Radwan Chouaib
11. IFIA India Office Report / Mr. Anand Kannan
12. IFIA Innovation Standard Report. / Mr. Masoud Tajbakhsh
13. Korea Invention Promotion Association Report / Mr. Yoo Tae Soo
14. Review IFIA Membership Requests and IFIA Statutes Amendment.
15. IFIA Members Propose.
16. Signing of MOU with Partners.
17. Closing of the Session.
1- Candidate for the presidency of the IFIA
1- Alireza Rastegar [(The current IFIA president)] (
No other candidate has been submitted for the presidency of the IFIA.
Candidates: IFIA Committee Members for 2023-2025
- Australia / Mr. Mehdi Korki (
- Bosnia and Herzegovina / Mr. Avdo Halilović (
- Brazil / Dr. Marcelo Vivacqua (
- Canada / Mr. Babak Khodaparast (
- China / Mr. Zengpei Xuan (
- Croatia / Mr. Zoran Barisic (
- Czech / Mr. Lukas ZMESKAL (
- Egypt / Dr. Mahmoud Hafez (
- Germany / Mr. Winfried Sturm (
- Iceland / Mrs. Elinora Inga Sigurdardottir (
- Indonesia / Ms. Megaria Augstina (
- Iran / Mr. Hossein Vaezi Ashtiani (
- Iraq / Mrs.Traiza Jasim Ridha (
- Italy / Mr. Vincenzo Falcucci (
- Kuwait / Dr. Mohemad Al Safar (
- Latvia / Mr. Elmars Baltins (
- Lebanon / Mr. Radwan Chouaib (
- Libya / Mr. Jalal Saied Mohammed Alnakasah (
- North Macedonia / Mr. Mirko Uzelac (
- Malaysia / Prof. Augustine S H Ong (
- Morocco / Mr. Majid Elbouazzaoui (
- Nigeria / Mr. Michael Esuong (
- Palestine / Prof. Kareem Tahboub (
- Poland / Mrs. Agnieszka Mikołajska (
- Portugal / Mr. Fernando Lopez (
- Qatar / Dr. Adnan Al Naimi (
- Romania / Dr. Andrei Victor Sandu (
- Serbia / Mr. Zeljko Zdravkovic (
- South Africa / Mr. Kenneth Hawksworth (
- South Korea / Mr. Hyowon Jeon (
- Spain / Mr. Manuel Matellán (
- Sri Lanka / Prof. N. M. S. Sirimuthu (
- Sweden / Mr. Carlos Rodriguez (
- Switzerland / Miss. Caroline Simonet (
- Syria / Dr. Mohammad Wardeh (
- Thailand / Ms. Assoc. Prof. Dr.Unchalee Sanguanpong (
- Turkiye / Mr. Koray Sahin (
- Ukraine / Mr. Yevhen Kudriavets (
- USA / Mr. Carmine Denisco (
- Vietnam / Dr. Nguyen Hoang Giang (
We invite you to the IFIA General Assembly meeting with the following details:
Date: Friday, 28 April 2023
Time:9:00 am- 1 pm
Place: Palexpo, Hall 1, Room C, 1218 Geneva, Switzerland
Room: C (The room is very close to the IFIA office at Palexpo. On site there will be signs to find the room.)
Note: Please note that one representative of each IFIA member is required to attend the General Assembly meeting.